
honey, everyone does.

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009
4:47 AM

im a dead meat.. this is the first time i get so low of a marks when i studied so hard.. honestly its not fair... it is so demoralising... just break my motivation to go on.. some times i wonder why do i have to go through all this shit.. it is so hard... haiz

Monday, March 23, 2009
8:27 AM

i has always been fun making fun of other ppl but have u ever thinks about the person that ur making fun off.. honestly i dont think its funny at all.. thanks ar really thanks.. how does it feels when the only person that u can trust and asking for assuarance is also the same as the the rest just sucks.. thats wat im feeling right now.. i dont care if ppl is making fun of me at all but not u.. gosh i hate this!!!!